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Action for Advent

29th November 2021 | Advent

The Clewer Initiative

The first Sunday of Advent was Sunday 28th November.

Since then, The Clewer Initiative has been posting regular messages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to encourage advent reflection and action.

We've brought together Bible readings, prayers, statistics about modern slavery, questions for reflection and suggestions for action and grouped them under the headings Pray – Reflect – Consider - Act.


Each week starts with a prayer, written by Bishop Alastair Redfern, the chair of The Clewer Initiative.


This is followed by the reading set for the Eucharist.


The Clewer Initiative has selected a statistic to highlight the presence of modern slavery in the UK.


Bishop Alastair poses searching questions and offers suggestions about how people can put the Bible reading into practise in their own lives.

Please follow and share our campaign on your own social media channels and in your communities – it would be wonderful if this Advent marked an uplift in prayer and action for the sake of the many hundreds of unseen victims of modern slavery in the UK.

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