There is no typical victim or single type of modern slavery.
Modern slavery can take many forms, including forced sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, county lines drug smuggling or forced labour on farms, in food processing, on construction sites, in shops, nail bars, car washes, hospitality or manufacturing.
Modern slavery doesn't always look the same.
You may have walked past someone being forced to beg and then hand over their takings. You could have been sitting next to a child on a train who's involved in county lines drug trafficking. Or perhaps you've been served in a restaurant, had your nails done or your car washed by someone who has had their passport taken and has to hand over most of their wages to their abuser. How do you know who picked or packed your fresh flowers or fruit and veg and how they are being treated? Any one of these seemingly trivial day to day events could involve a victim of modern slavery.
Exploiters could be individuals or well organised gangs - either way they are well practised and use a range of methods to control victims, including:
As a result, victims may hide the signs themselves out of shame, fear of retribution or fear of the authorities. Or, they may not seek help because they don't see themselves as a victim or they lack knowledge about their rights.
It can be incredibly hard to spot modern slavery, There can be many signs or few and they can be different for every situation. Some clues include:
Many exploiters do their best to ensure there are no obvious signs and that their slaves look presentable. Sometimes the clues are in the 'absence of normal' instead. For example, if there are signs of a co-worker regularly bathing or shaving at work, or perhaps they never share personal information, never have any weekend plans or appear to have no life outside work.
There are many situations in our day to day lives where victims of modern slavery may be closer than we realise. Here are just some of the ways we can all be vigilant:
Help end modern slavery in hand car washes. Following the simple steps in the app when you take your car to a hand car wash will help us identify where exploitation may be happening.
As with other crimes, it is important that you report any suspicions of modern slavery to the police, the Modern Slavery Helpline or Crimestoppers.
Do not attempt to intervene yourself, as you may put yourself and those around you – including the potential victim – in danger.