International Work

Modern slavery is an international problem.

Despite being present in every country, modern slavery and exploitation do not look the same everywhere. In Italy, an isolated refugee from Syria might end up picking oranges in the scorching Sicilian heat for very little money. In Tanzania, a young girl might be forced into marriage with a much older man. In Ghana, a small boy might be sold to a gang by his parents and forced to harvest cocoa beans, which eventually become chocolate bars in British supermarkets.

Vulnerability is the key characteristic shared by all victims of exploitation, regardless of where they live. It is this vulnerability that allows perpetrators to exploit them.

As Christians, we are called to respond to slavery, exploitation and injustice wherever they occur. We believe the answer to these issues, regardless of geographical location or context, lies in the community. Strengthening and empowering communities has always been at the heart of our work and informs our international strategy.

Over the last few years, The Clewer Initiative has developed an international body of work in Italy, Ghana, and Tanzania. It has worked with a variety of partners and networks to help build community resilience, raise awareness and support victims.

Underlying all The Clewer Initiative’s work, whether in the UK or overseas, is the Clewer Journey. This simple methodology aims to move a community from initial contact, to training and awareness raising, to community mobilisation and finally action.

From delivering contextualised versions of the Hidden Voices course to running art classes for trauma victims, The Clewer Initiative is delivering the Clewer Journey in different parts of the world to help bring an end to modern slavery and exploitation.

Current international projects

Collaborative work in Italy

Working to understand modern slavery in the Italian context, raise awareness and support migrants and refugees as they settle in Italy.

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