Along with 15 other youth ambassadors from across the world, she took part in a week of anti-slavery workshops and events to mark the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, including a memorable audience with the Pope.
Amy Bishop, our Business Support Officer, recently returned from an unforgettable trip to Rome.

We are incredibly proud of Amy for representing The Clewer Initiative at this global event. She was the only young person from the UK to be chosen to attend the gathering and also the only Anglican! She had the privilege of meeting with 15 other young representatives from around the world to spend the week sharing learning, brainstorming and discussing potential ways to work together and galvanise other young people in the fight against human trafficking.
The week of engagement against human trafficking included an ecumenical prayer vigil, a flash mob, an all-day livestream to mark St. Bakhita’s Day, an unforgettable audience with the Pope plus various presentations and training workshops.

The climax of the week was the online pilgrimage to mark the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking which involved 7 hours of streaming in five languages, sharing the work of partners around the world, including a special message from Pope Francis. The Clewer Initiative gave a presentation about its work in the UK. Representatives from 49 countries joined in the day of online prayer.
The initiative was coordinated by Talitha Kum and promoted by the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) and the Union of Superiors General.
We can’t wait to see the impact of this inspiring week – the youth ambassadors want to stay in touch and continue working together to engage the next generation of activists.
Enjoy the flash mob!