Our Anti-Slavery Day campaign 2022 is called Make it Slavery Free. It is a call for all of us to make our homes, churches, businesses and communities slavery-free.
So, what will it mean for a church to become slavery-free?
There are many different elements to consider, but first and foremost, churches need to be able to recognise signs of exploitation and modern slavery in their communities and know the right steps to take to respond to an individual if they have concerns. Without this foundational knowledge, churches won’t be able to respond to the vulnerable people they come across or safeguard their social action projects and volunteers from unscrupulous criminal gangs.
Attending a safeguarding training session is therefore a crucial first stage in working towards a slavery-free community. It may not sound as exciting as setting up a youth project or establishing a soup kitchen but it could be the most important 90 minutes you spend on zoom this Autumn!
Through our safeguarding training, we will help you recognise the presence of modern slavery and know how to respond and who to refer to, within a parish setting or social action project. The training will help you consider whether you have the right processes and support in place for yourself, your volunteers and potential victims.
Unfortunately, you can never know too much or be too prepared when it comes to protecting vulnerable people in your setting. The methods used by criminal gangs are always evolving and knowing the signs to look out for could change someone’s life forever.
Our safeguarding consultants, Becca Faal and Helen Styles, have put together two new safeguarding training sessions that will be rolled out in September. One is for Parish Safeguarding Officers and one is for people who spend time with refugees. These are two key audiences in the fight against modern slavery in the UK:
1) A safeguarding training session on modern slavery for those hosting, volunteering or working with refugees – it will provide a basic introduction to modern slavery in the UK; why refugees are vulnerable to exploitation and trafficking; recommended safeguarding policies when working with potential victims; and signpost further information and training.
It is suitable for anyone hosting, volunteering or working with refugees. No prior knowledge is necessary – the seminar will build on any existing experience of safeguarding and modern slavery.
The seminar is free and lasts for 90 minutes. We will run it twice in September so as many people as possible can benefit from the training.
22nd September, 2-3.30pm
26th September, 7-8.30pm
2) A modern slavery and safeguarding training session for Parish Safeguarding Officers – this has been designed with PSOs in mind and will help deepen your understanding of modern slavery; consider how to recognise, respond, record and refer concerns about modern slavery and exploitation; understand what you need to know about safeguarding when working with potential victims and signpost further information and training. The workshop will build on any previous experience you have of safeguarding and modern slavery
The seminar is free and lasts for 90 minutes. We will run it twice in September so as many people as possible can benefit from it.
12th September 7-8.30pm
16th September 10.00-11.30am
17th October 7-8.30pm
21st October 1.30-3pm
16th November 7-8.30pm
November 1.30-3pm
3) Modern Slavery and Safeguarding Workshop for TCI Project Leads – This two-hour workshop will build on your safeguarding expertise and knowledge. You will learn how to recognise, respond, refer and record in cases of modern slavery.
Thursday 3rd November 13:00-15:00
Monday 12th December 19:00-21:00
4) Modern slavery safeguarding workshop for diocesan safeguarding teams – This two-hour workshop will provide diocesan safeguarding teams with the information and support to ensure that projects are run safely, and victims are supported. The workshops will build on your existing safeguarding expertise and knowledge.
7th November 10:00-12:00
18th November 13:00-15:00
5) A training session on county lines for diocesan safeguarding teams – County lines drugs operations can be found in all areas of our country. The Church of England has a vital role to play in disrupting the gangs and supporting victims. As Diocesan Safeguarding Teams, you are in a strong position to support this work.
In this session, we will look at how we can identify and support victims. We will also discuss how pre-emptive initiatives are more effective than reactionary ones. As part of this, you will have the chance to innovate with other Safeguarding teams to build a strong network of resilience.
10th October 10:00-12:00
7th November 13:00-15:00
6) An awareness raising session on modern slavery and safeguarding for those working and volunteering in food banks – This free one-hour online session will look at why are foodbanks important in the response to modern slavery and what you need to know about safeguarding when working with potential victims.
25th November 13:00-15:00
Our safeguarding training sessions can support you and your church as you begin your slavery-free journey. Sign up today!