Online Training

Over the last few years, The Clewer Initiative has developed a huge range of free online courses on various topics to help you learn more about modern slavery and what you can do to respond to this heinous crime.

All of our seminars and training courses have been created in conjunction with frontline workers to ensure their accuracy and relevance. We run courses on the following subjects:

  • Breaking County Lines Train the Trainers for faith-based organisations
  • Breaking County Lines Train the Trainers for secular organisations
  • County Lines training for parents, grandparents and guardians
  • County Lines training for foster parents
  • County Lines training for teachers
  • County lines training for diocesan safeguarding teams
  • Refugees, safeguarding and modern slavery
  • Safeguarding and modern slavery for diocesan safeguarding teams
  • Safeguarding and modern slavery for project leads
  • Safeguarding and modern slavery for food banks
  • Safeguarding and modern slavery for parish safeguarding officers

Care Home Resource Training Sessions

The Clewer Initiative and the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime (MSOIC) have co-produced a new resource to help anyone involved with the care sector recognise and respond to modern slavery. It is vital that anyone who lives, works, visits or runs a care home, knows the potential signs of exploitation.

To find out more, please attend:

1) one of our Train the Trainer seminars - details TBC

Safeguarding and modern slavery
Modern Slavery and Safeguarding e-learning course

Learn at your own pace

An interactive course is in two parts that explores the role of churches in raising awareness and taking action against modern slavery as well as how we engage with concerns. Throughout the session you will gain an understanding of modern slavery and human trafficking and you will learning how to recognise, respond, refer and record concerns.


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