A young girl presents at a sexual health clinic
A girl of 16 attended a sexual health clinic with another woman who she called “Auntie.” The girl had extremely poor English, was very fearful and not allowed to speak. The “Auntie” spoke on her behalf. The Auntie said the girl had recently moved to the UK and they were living together at a local address.
The staff at the sexual health clinic were extremely concerned about the girl. They managed to see the girl on her own and she opened up a bit more – her spoken English was better than they had been led to believe.
The nurses spoke to the NHS Safeguarding team and together they made a referral to the Police and Social Care colleagues. The address was known to the Police - there had been past concerns about sexual exploitation at the House of Multiple Occupancy. The different statutory organisations worked together to devise a plan so they could see the girl again and explain how they could help and support her escape the situation she was in. They made a pseudo appointment at the sexual health clinic and arranged for a translator to be present. Unfortunately, the girl did not return.
A young man comes into the Emergency Department
A young man arrived at A&E with an unpleasant compound fracture which he had received while working on a building site. He was brought in by a “work colleague.” He seemed incredibly fearful. After receiving pain relief, he became very chatty and shared that he was frightened about where he was living and working. Staff accessed the internal safeguarding team and the Hospital intranet to discuss and get some information. They contacted the Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline and found a translator so they could communicate more easily. They provided the patient with information and the offer of support including the opportunity to have a referral to the Police Modern Slavery team. Unfortunately as the pain relief wore off, he clammed up and stopped communicating freely. He refused to share any more information and didn’t return for his outpatients appointment.