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Improving maternity care for victims of slavery

9th November 2023 | Modern slavery

The Clewer Initiative

The University of Nottingham Rights Lab has funded a scoping review (Borrelli et al., 2023) to map the available evidence and resources on maternity care provision and non-statutory support to pregnant women and mothers affected by modern slavery.

The scoping review discovered that:

  • There were barriers to care and entitlements - many mothers were unfamiliar with and lacked access to systems and information.
  • Pregnant mothers faced ongoing threats of violence from partners/traffickers, restricted ability to move freely, issues related to traumatisation, dispersal, and dealing with multiple new systems.
  • There is a lack of training and understanding of how optimal care and support during maternity should be provided by healthcare professionals and non-statutory service staff.

Further research is needed from which recommendations for good maternity practice and effective intersection between statutory and non-statutory services can be supported and mobilised across different systems and settings.

A team of maternity, mental health and modern slavery researchers, survivor mothers, and staff supporting modern slavery victims/survivors are seeking funding to carry this out. Organisations involved are the University of Nottingham (School of Health Sciences), the Rights Lab and Causeway, with the support of a wide network of third sector agencies.

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If funded, the project will aim to

a) understand HOW optimal care and support can be provided for survivor mothers and their babies;

b) develop recommendations and resources for different constituencies (healthcare professionals, non-statutory services staff and mothers);

c) disseminate and integrate resources into existing systems and platforms.

To read the review in full click here

To find out more, contact the researchers Sara Borrelli or Helen Spiby

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