Diocese in Europe

Key Contact: Caireen Warren

Email: caireen.warren@gmail.com

The Diocese in Europe is the largest of the 42 dioceses in the Church of England. There are more than 250 congregations in over 30 countries across continental Europe, Turkey, Morocco and Russia.

The Diocese in Europe ministers to those in Europe who have English as either a first or second language. The Diocese in Europe is organised into seven regions known as archdeaconries.

Over the last few years, the Clewer Initiative has been working closely with The Diocese in Europe to contextualise our Hidden Voices training course for an Italian context, reflecting the unique challenges of modern slavery and exploitation in Italy. This work of taking the general resource and adapting it for a specific country could be rolled out across Europe - if you are interested in finding out more about the process, please get in touch with Caireen Warren.

Hidden Voices in Italy

Hidden Voices is one of the Clewer Initiative’s central pieces of training. It is a brilliant resource which has been designed to help churches and communities respond to modern slavery. It is based on a community resilience approach, which equips participants with the knowledge to understand modern slavery and exploitation; identify and support victims and apply this knowledge to a specific context. It also encourages participants to form action groups and put concrete plans in place.

Hidden Voices is available in Italian and English, and is written in five modules:

- Setting the Scene
- Exploitation in Agriculture and Construction
- Sexual Exploitation and Domestic Servitude
- Prevention
- Action planning

All the modules include biblical reflections and practical tools and activities as well as case studies to help people see how they might already be coming across modern slavery without knowing it.

By the end of Hidden Voices, we hope that individuals and groups will feel inspired to start taking action in their own community. They might not have all the answers, but they will certainly know where to start!

Graduates from the most recent Hidden Voices Italy course have:

  • started running modern slavery training for volunteers at a local Refugee Centre
  • appointed a local modern slavery champion in their church, ready to provide support for any victims of modern slavery or people at risk of exploitation
  • put up awareness posters in Refugee Centres, churches and community centres - providing information to both potential victims and volunteers
  • organised an in-person community event in Rome about the risk of exploitation to homeless people (see below for more information)

Churches Together in Rome - a fellowship that comprises English language congregations of the Protestant, Anglican, and Catholic churches in Rome - piloted Hidden Voices (Italy version) in Winter 2022/2023. Twelve people attended the course and provided detailed feedback to help with revisions. The course has been thoroughly contextualised and translated into Italian. It is now ready for national rollout.

The Hidden Voices course was very stimulating. The information about modern slavery in Italy was so eye-opening.

Participant on Hidden Voices Rome

Next steps in Italy - looking for trainers!

We are now ready for Hidden Voices to be used across Italy. To achieve this, we will be running a "Train the Trainer" course in Autumn 2023. If you would be interested in learning how to run Hidden Voices in your church or community, please get in touch. We want to raise up dozens of trainers who can facilitate Hidden Voices in their community. To become a Hidden Voices trainer, all you need is a heart for the cause and a passion to equip people to fight back. No particular experience is required. We will provide all the training and materials necessary and walk beside you as you learn how to train others.

Run Hidden Voices Italy in your community

The resource is now ready - we have worked hard to contextualise it and it is available in English and Italian. Please get in touch if you would like to organise a Hidden Voices course in your town.

Compassionate Community Neighbourhood Lunch - Saturday 23rd September, All Saints' Anglican Church Rome

As a result of the most recent Hidden Voices course, delegates have come together to organise a special lunch to strengthen relationships within the neighbourhood, provide practical care and outreach to local homeless people and raise awareness of the dangers of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking for homeless people. If you live in Rome, and wish to find out more information or participate, please register for this free event below.



Resources in English

Posters in English with Italian helpline number

Getting help for victims

If you are a victim of trafficking or want to report a crime in relation to human trafficking there are a number of different helpline numbers, depending on where you are based in Europe. You can always be anonymous.

Click here to access national helpline numbers from across Europe.

You can also always call 112 - the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge.

In Italy, the anti-trafficking toll-free number is as follows:

Italian phone number
Italian helpline

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