Journeys - the conclusion

Caroline Virgo, director of The Clewer Initiative, reflects on the steps we can all take to tackle modern slavery in our communities.

As you come to the end of this resource, we hope you feel clearer about the next steps you can take. We have tried to flesh out what it looks like to join the fight and move from the side lines to action.

We have talked about the importance of knowing the signs of modern slavery and what to do with your suspicions. We have discussed the incomparable value of community resilience and investing in our neighbourhoods so criminal gangs cannot target vulnerable people. We have explored the importance of strategic partnerships and robust safeguarding practices and have rejoiced in the power of therapeutic art and other community initiatives that help victims in their recovery. Our hope is that these elements will become part of your journey.

The question is “what is your next step and what do you need to achieve it?” At The Clewer Initiative, we have developed a swathe of practical tools and resources to help churches, communities, partners and the public take action against modern slavery. We have posters, apps, training courses and seminars which have all be designed to equip and inform.

If you have been stirred by the material in Journeys and are looking for further support or have a question about next steps, please get in touch with us by emailing on We can connect you with other projects in your area and support you as you explore the best way forward.

It may be you are only just beginning to find out about modern slavery and are unsure how to respond or what capacity you have to help. If this is the case, please don’t despair or feel powerless! Remember the famous proverb, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

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We would like to thank everyone who has helped bring the Journeys project to life, particularly:

Becca Faal

Bill Crooks

Dan Pratt

Fiona Kendall

Hilary Lines

Rebecca Helme

Sion Hall

Bishop Alastair Redfern




April de Angelis

And the team at The Clewer Initiative!

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