Journeys - the film archive

Our new resource Journeys is made up of a series of hard-hitting films featuring the stories of victims and interviews with front-line volunteers and modern slavery specialists.

The films are available in two different formats - as 5-minute mini films or as standalone monologues which feature the victim stories alone.

The mini films

Watch the mini-films and share them with your networks.

Could you organise a film night or seminar to watch the films back-to-back, asking a few searching questions in between? This could take less than an hour and has worked extremely well in the past.

The Journey Begins

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First Encounters

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False Starts and New Directions

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The Full Horror of the Crime

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Finding Restoration

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The standalone monologues

These short films are brilliant at informing people about some of the different forms of modern slavery. They each last around 3 minutes.

Mihail's story - a victim of labour exploitation

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Emma's story - a victim of county lines

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Richard's story - the father of a victim of financial exploitation

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Rayowa's story - a victim of domestic servitude

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Jing's story of recovery

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Our thanks to

- DH&Co who created these beautiful and haunting films

- Acclaimed writer, April De Angelis, who researched and wrote the survivor monologues

- And the five talented actors and actresses who brought their stories to life - Ivo Tonchev (Mihail), Lydia Fitzwilliams (Emma), John Rayment (Richard), Oluwaseyi Adeyanju (Rayowa) and Alex Guo (Jing)

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