The seminar, entitled "Learning from our brothers and sisters in Tanzania," is one way in which we are trying to keep the conversation going about how the Church can raise awareness and take action against modern slavery and exploitation.
During the short webinar, we will be interviewing Clewer safeguarding trainers, Helen Styles and Becca Faal, about their recent trip to Tanzania and how they have been supporting the Diocese of Western Tanganyika as it seeks to identify and raise awareness of exploitation in local communities.
We will also speak to Rev Naftali Nkika (Coordinator of Christian Education in the Diocese of Western Tanganyika) and Rev Esther Muhagachi (Project Officer for Christian Council of Tanzania) about the concrete steps they have taken to equip and mobilise church leaders and members in the fight against modern slavery.
This seminar is for anyone who is serious about mobilising their community - whether it be in the UK or overseas. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.
The link to the seminar is here
Meeting ID: 941 8824 5953
Passcode: 668422